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Swaddling the babies the right way is the key to go about using this technique to sooth your baby. Read our blog to know all about swaddling.

Do you remember receiving your newborn like a gift package, all wrapped and fuzzy? The art of wrapping infants in a specific way so that they sleep better and remain calm is called swaddling. Swaddling may look like your little one is restricted too tight. However, experts believe that swaddling...

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The top four categories of products  that are perfect if you have a little one at home. Click below to read.

Bringing home a baby is one of the biggest blessings of all. Parents’ feelings oscillate between excitement, the sense of responsibility, and the fear of doing things right. Everything changes once you have a child. Your grocery list expands, your fridge is filled with healthy stuff to eat, and the...

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Burp Cloth vs Wash Cloth? Its all a piece of cloth... what's the difference? Read below to know what makes burp cloth different from a wash cloth.

One common question most parents have while choosing baby products is how different burp cloths and washcloths are? If you have checked out both these products, they are kind of similar to each other. Both burp and wash clothes are flat pieces of soft fabric that come in different colors....

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