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What kind of baby care techniques should you adopt for the summer? How can you choose the right food, clothes, and environment to ease the struggles of the heat? Check this list out.

Indian summers have always been extreme and the average temperature increases by the year. Did you know that places like Churu, Pilani, New Delhi, Sonegaon, and Akola in India constantly make to the list of hottest places in the world? While adults suffer endlessly in peak summers, babies go through...

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Why do we need to burp babies after a feed? Why do you need a burp cloth and what kind of burp cloths should we use while burping the baby? These are pertinent questions to ask. Well, the response to this is that babies need to burp, to release the...

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Online Shopping?? for baby clothes.?

Yes! We are here to guide you choose the best size for your growing baby. Read below.

Buying the clothes for a new-born baby can, indeed, be a daunting task. Unlike in the case of an adult, you can't simply go out in a marketplace and pull out anything. Instead, you will need to be careful, consider crucial aspects, and then move on with your online purchasing...

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