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What do we do when our little one throws a challenge at us by deciding to arrive way earlier than scheduled?

Sometimes, life can throw you a curveball, despite how prepared you are. This is especially true for parents during the time of delivery. One such challenge is the baby deciding to arrive way earlier than scheduled. There could be multiple reasons for this. Most babies born before the 37th week...

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Are you looking for safe, comfortable, and natural baby clothes? Stop and Shop at our online store Nature's Cuddle for 100% organic cotton baby clothes

Do you feel drained, anxious, sleepy, impatient, afraid, glad, grateful, and satisfied all at once? Congratulations to you! Your little bundles of joy are on their way!   Back in 2018, the doctors announced that my sister-in-law had two miracles instead of one. My sister-in-law and my brother were overwhelmed...

By Nature's Cuddle Read more
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