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What exactly does an Indian parent need to build a perfect nursery?

Shopping for your newborn is the most precious thing there ever is. If you're a first-time parent you probably might be wondering where to start. The baby nursery is the first thing that you should be planning as it should be made ready even before your baby is born. What...

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Organic Cotton is the best investment that you can make for your little one’s wellness!

Your baby is the best and most precious thing in your life. They deserve the best of care and products when it comes to providing them wellness, comfort and good health! Parents around the world have understood the importance and benefits of organic clothes for their new-borns and have started...

By Nature's Cuddle Read more

It is every new mother’s dream to dress-up and adorn their little ones with the choicest of clothes and accessories.


It is every new mother’s dream to dress-up and adorn their little ones with the choicest of clothes and accessories. Gone are the days when babies would be dressed in hand-me-downs. The new-born fashion industry is now abuzz with the latest, most sustainable and eco-friendly baby clothing options for your...

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