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Organic Cotton is the best investment that you can make for your little one’s wellness!

Your baby is the best and most precious thing in your life. They deserve the best of care and products when it comes to providing them wellness, comfort and good health!

Parents around the world have understood the importance and benefits of organic clothes for their new-borns and have started adopting natural fibres as their preferred textile choice for their little ones.

Β By adopting fabrics created from natural fibres, parents can ensure that their baby wears clothes that are safe, healthy and comfortable. Organic clothing offers you, your baby and the world, a range of benefits that their conventional inorganic counterparts do not offer. Here is a list of twelve benefits adopting organic cotton for your little one!

  1. Say No to Toxins

The processing of conventional cotton involves the use of multiple toxins which are absorbed by the fibres. Conventional cotton uses 25% more pesticides and herbicides than any other crop. Some of these chemicals are amongst the deadliest toxins for children. When the baby wears such materials, the baby can inhale these toxins which are present in the fibres. By eliminating conventional cotton from your baby’s wardrobe, you give your little one a chance to breathe clean air!


  1. Skin Friendly Dyes

Colours add life to clothes, however when the dyes used to colour your baby’s clothes comprise chemicals which can be ingested or inhaled, it can cause your baby considerable distress. Additionally, some babies try to put their clothes in their mouth, resulting in the dyes going into their system. In the dying of organic cotton, only vegetable and natural dyes are used, ensuring that your baby potentially doesn’t come in contact with any material that will cause them distress.


  1. Be Kind to Your Baby’s Skin

Organic cotton is the most ideal choice of material for people with sensitive skin. Babies have exceptionally soft skin, which can be damaged by using materials that have a rough texture. By saying yes to organic cotton, you say providing your child with a kind and child-friendly clothing option.


  1. Everlasting Softness

Most inorganic fibres tend to get rough with time, owing to the conventional processing rips the fibre of its original protective cover. Organic cotton is softer and more durable as it undergoes significantly less processing, with no chemicals to weaken fibres. Your baby’s clothes feel better and last longer.


  1. Let your Little One’s Skin Breathe

Baby’s skin is over five times thinner than adult skin. To be comfortable, the baby’s skin needs to breathe. Handmade cotton or organic cotton lets air pass through it easily. You child’s skin can breathe and perspire through the clothing, and this in turn will make the child feel more comfortable. In contrast to synthetic and conventional fabrics which do not allow baby’s skin to breathe, organic cottons let you child’s skin feel comfortable, even in summertime.


  1. No more Skin Allergies

Allergies are very common among infants as their skin and respiratory pathway is very new. When the baby is exposed to any foreign substance, that is not recognised by the body, it can result in significant allergic reactions, which can hamper the baby’s growth. Organic cotton is absolutely devoid of all these allergy causing agents and give the baby comfort.


  1. Let your Baby Look Cute and Dapper

The soft and mildly stretchable texture of organic cotton ensures that the material does not crumple easily. The baby can wear a romper or onesie made of organic cotton for hours and the material will still look as fresh as it was, when the outfit was worn. From rompers to full suits, baby’s now have a wide range of organic cotton clothing options to choose from!


  1. Maintenance Made Easy

Looking after organic cotton clothes is very easy. The clothes do not require any additional maintenance such as bleaching and ironing. The clothes can be washed with organic detergents and dried in either direct or indirect sunlight. This makes thing easier for the baby’s parents and caregivers.


  1. Healthy Farmers Build A Happy Society

When you say yes to organic cotton, you not just giving your child comfort. You are indirectly showing your support for a sustainable farming practice that is free of pesticides and chemicals. The farmer and his loved ones are being spared of exposure to cancer causing chemicals and allergens because of your decision to support a right cause.


  1. Support Fair Trade and Equality

Organic cotton farmers are paid a fair price. At a time when global cotton prices are plummeting and cotton farmers around the world are taking their own lives in desperation, fair trade is the only ethical solution. If a cotton product seems outrageously cheap, then you know someone else has paid the price. When you buy organic cotton, you are paying the fair price for comfort, good health and peace of mind.


  1. Cruelty Free Cotton

Cotton cultivation has resulted in the loss of several species of insects owing to the insecticides and pesticides used in the process. Additionally, the use of harmful chemicals in processing has also resulted in the loss of several aquatic species as these materials are dumped into waterways and canals. When you choose organic cotton instead of synthetic fibres, you ensure that no micro-plastics are entering waterways through your everyday laundering. Plus, organic cotton is completely biodegradable. By adopting organic cotton, you are not only supporting a vegan and cruelty free cause, you are also achieving the primary aim of providing your baby with comfortable and safe clothing.


  1. Reuse, Recycle and Degrade :

Since organic cotton is free of synthetic and inorganic materials, you can be sure that the dress does not end up in a landfill or choking and organism. It degrades very easily when subjected to the right. Additionally, the material can be re-purposed and used for other purposes. Lastly, as the material is breathable and stretchable, the baby can use it for a longer time than conventional fabrics.


As a mother, the baby’s safety, comfort and good health is a priority. To facilitate this, Baby Clothes should make your child feel secure, warm and comfortable. Organic cotton clothing is the right step in the direction towards lifelong wellness of your little one. In the process, you are also doing your part for the world by helping the planet, by using a safe and sustainable product.

Β Organic Cotton is Baby Friendly and Eco-Friendly!


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