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Are you looking for the right place to pick winter clothes for baby boy?

Winters bring with them much-needed relief from excessive heat. While winters start very promisingly, they could quickly turn extreme, especially in the northern parts of the country. If you have an infant at home, you need to be prepared to handle dryness, excessive cold, and the general restrictions that winter cause.

We have put together a list of winter baby clothes and accessories that you should have in handy to keep your child cozy, warm, and happy as the temperatures dip down.

Grow suits

Grow suits are one of Nature’s Cuddle’s best-selling basics that you must check out. These are also called footed rompers and are single pieces that cover from the neck to the feet, keeping the child warm. The footed bottom is better because you don’t have to add additional socks that your child will keep pulling off and throwing!

Now, the material is made of 100% cotton and is beautifully stretchable. That means your baby can use it for extended periods, as they grow bigger and healthier. If you think it is extremely cold, you can put on the grow suit first and then layer with a jacket. The grow suit is designed to comfortably fit over both cloth and disposable diapers and is one of the must-have winter clothes for baby boys and girls, for that matter.

Footed pants

Footed pants are extensions of the grow suits except that these can be paired with tops of your choice. Many parents put on the footed pants and add on a sweatshirt or a full-sleeved shirt on top and call it a day!

We have options of choosing either ribbed or plain footed pants and these come in packs of two. The extremely soft material will keep your little one comfortable all day long and the covered edges keep those little toes toasty! If you are looking for winter baby clothes online, definitely look for footed pants. These are versatile investments.

We also have a blog on 0-3 months' must-have baby clothes on our website. Do check that out if you have a newborn at home.

Full-sleeved shirts

Gone are the days of sleeveless shirts and short sleeves. Winter means you need to pick up full-sleeved clothes to keep the arms warm. While you pick these shirts, make sure they have closed neck designs or can be buttoned up fully. That provides additional protection from the wind. Fleece, thick cotton, or flannel materials are great choices.

If you want to use short-sleeved shirts, you can layer them with full-sleeved vests or jackets.

Nappies/cloth diapers

In the list of winter baby clothes and accessories, we cannot forget nappies!

Winters mean your baby’s pee count is going to suddenly increase! If you use cloth nappies or cloth diapers, it means you have to keep changing them throughout the day. Winters also mean that clothes are going to take longer to dry. That is why it would be a clever idea to have more sets of these diapers with you.

Many parents now prefer cloth nappies for their newborns simply because they are safer for the skin, are economically sustainable, and are reusable. Our nappies get softer and more comfortable with every wash.

We suggest parents have at least 20-25 nappies in hand to last for 2-3 days. This way, even if it takes more than 24 hours for your washed clothes to dry, you will still have clean and dry nappies to spare.

Thermal vests

Another must-have winter clothes for baby boys are thermal vests. As the name suggests, these are worn to retain body heat and are usually the first layer of clothing for the kids. Most thermal vests for babies are full-sleeved. You can put these on and then add on a shirt and a pant or our footed romper. Thermal vests have to fit the bodies exactly right for them to actually retain heat.

Loose vests may not be very effective. So, check the sizing right before you get them. While wool is the material of choice for vests in colder countries, you may choose organic cotton thermal vests here in India. Cotton is safer on the baby's skin and won’t cause skin rashes.

Cozy wraparounds

Parents love our wraparounds for so many reasons.

  • These are 100% made of organic cotton
  • The wraparound is large and roomy, measuring 100 cm X 100 cm
  • The dyes used are eco-friendly and non-toxic
  • You can pick these in pleasing colors

The wraparounds can be used as an additional blanket when the baby is asleep or used to make the cradle warmer. It can be used to swaddle the baby or just offered as a comfort fabric. The wraparound is not just for winter though! It is a hit all through the year.

Other winter accessories

These basic winter baby clothes and accessories should keep your baby warm and comfortable during winter. Here are two additional accessories that a smart parent may want to pick up this cold season.


  1. Bibs – Have you started solids for your 6M+ child? Then spits, throw-ups, and dribbles are going to be very common. Unlike in summer, you cannot simply wipe these from the clothes and let them air dry. The wetness can make the child uncomfortable. So invest in bibs. These are lifesavers and will prevent you from having to remove multiple layers of clothes and washing them every mealtime.


  1. Sock shoes – Children, as young as a few months old, seem to hate socks and find all opportunities to rip them from the feet and throw them away! If your baby does this too, then sock shoes are a smart pick. As the name suggests, these are socks that end like shoes and are not easy to remove from the feet like plain socks. The thicker shoe-like fitting offers better protection from the cold too. When you look for winter baby clothes online, check for these smart footwear too.

Babies have really sensitive skin and that is why Nature’s Cuddle’s 100% organic clothes and accessories are your safest bet. Apart from these cozy winter baby clothes, make sure you also get your hands on a safe and gentle winter cream to handle skin dryness in your little one. Be sure you watch out for signs of overheating too. Sometimes, adding too many thick layers of clothes can lead to the baby feeling stuffy and suffocated. Watch for cues like sweating, discomfort, and flushing of the skin, and remove excess cloth layers if so. Keep your baby warm, yet comfortable.

If you have any questions about our products and the sources of materials, do get in touch with us and we will get back with a reply.


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