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A baby's skin is extremely sensitive and delicate. Know what you should watch out for and how you can handle them.

Summer brings with itself the promise of warmth. Indian summers though, bring with it more than that. Extreme heat, fatigue, harsh UV radiation, and a variety of skin problems are common every summer in the country. While adults struggle hard to handle the climate, think of the little ones at...

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Choose comfort over style during summers. It brings with itself sweat and skin irritation. Choose the best organic baby clothing for your baby.

There are definite standards in the market for adult clothes. Brands release collections based on the season and make it easy for people to dress weather-appropriately. This does not hold true for babies though. Once summer comes, it is a challenge to find the right baby clothes that are comfortable...

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The top four categories of products  that are perfect if you have a little one at home. Click below to read.

Bringing home a baby is one of the biggest blessings of all. Parents’ feelings oscillate between excitement, the sense of responsibility, and the fear of doing things right. Everything changes once you have a child. Your grocery list expands, your fridge is filled with healthy stuff to eat, and the...

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